What are you dreaming about? As the days are getting noticeably shorter, that first snow and winter cannot be far behind. At this is the time of year, I start dreaming of a winter escape…sunshine, palm trees and balmy weather. If this is your dream, consider entering Nina’s raffle draw for a week at a 5-star property in paradise! Tickets are only $25 and with only 1000 tickets printed, your odds are excellent. Call Rona at 780-886-6640 to get your ticket today.
The draw will be held at our annual fundraising event, Here’s Nina, on November 2 at the Italian Cultural Centre. Join us for this red carpet award gala and be present when your dreams come true! Tickets are $125 and are available at Tix-on-the-Square. https://boxoffice.tixonthesquare.ca/single/SelectSeating.aspx?p=2007

Maybe, like several artists in the Nina Collective, you dream of recording your own song and having your own music video go viral. Yvette Prefontaine has composed a beautiful song about her grandmother’s immigration to Canada. She worked with a vocal coach, recorded the lyrics at the CKUA studios and is now working with filmmaker, Yvonne DuBourdiueu, on the music video. ATB is making these dreams come true…in total 6 artists have recorded original songs and 4 of these will be featured in music videos. Watch for the launch early in 2017, or catch a preview at Here’s Nina – one music video will be shown that night when one of the talented musicians receives the ATB Emerging Artist award.

If you are an artist, you may dream of having your own exhibition or creating a piece that someone falls in love with it and buys it for their collection…or maybe you dream of being a featured artist. Joo Ee Law has recently been selected from the Nina Collective as this month’s featured artist.

Or maybe you day dream about meeting someone famous or getting that dream job you have always fantasized about. Mark Traficante is a staff favourite. He has recurring themes in his work, often recreating the last supper, sometimes replacing the disciples with pop stars, and frequently he includes his latest pop star crush (lately it is Katie Perry) and his dream job – security guard or police officer. At least on canvas, his dreams come true almost every day.

Whatever your dream, enjoy! And as a Nina supporter, thanks for making some dreams come true.